Monday, October 7, 2013

Perceiving Quotes

In case you haven't really noticed I'm kind of a quote person. I can't really explain why but there's just something about a serious quote that inspires me. So, anyways I saw this quote on my teachers desk and he explained what he thought about it. When I read the quote I thought something totally different, but I still understand his points.
"It's always about choices but it's not about choosing between two roads. It's about choosing from countless possibilities. Choose one, and you give up not just the other but all the others. And you never know if you've chosen the right one until it's too late to change your mind."
First I will point out that my teacher said this quote was about Robert Frost's poem, The Road Not Taken. However my teacher said he liked the poem because he thought as if like, if he was having a bad day how should he act. How would it affect a student if he chose to give a student an eighth hour compared to yelling at them?

The thoughts that were evoked by this quote mainly focused on my future. Where am I going to go to college? What do I really want to major in? What do I want to do with the rest of my life? That is the scariest question of all because I want to make the right decision. That's what makes this quote sink in, because of that question and the last sentence of this quote.

I like this quote because it helps me understand that there are so many possibilities out there and I have the ability to use those possibilities. Even if I make the wrong decision, which is likely, I can still make another decision. I may not know if I made the right decision until it's too late to change my mind but I can always make another decision based on previous ones.

Hearing my teachers opinion on this quote opens my eyes on how people perceive things differently. So, I would love to hear what opinions you might have on this quote. Feel free to comment in the the comments below. :)


  1. I am not a quote person. But your writing about this reminds me of a book I read in High School, East of Eden by John Steinbeck. I disagreed with my teacher completely on the meaning of this book. As I re-read a quick Wikipedia summary of the book, I think I perhaps had missed something and should maybe go back and read it again. But what has always resonated with me was that the meaning behind the book was that man is not destined to one thing or another, to good or to evil, but that you have the power to choose your own destiny. Choose well Bailey!

  2. Bailey, I love the quote that you blogged about. When i was in high school I knew what I wanted to do. In going to college I worked at a part time job that became my passion. I choose to quit tat job when love struck and I married. I then choose another job in that field. I had since been offered a different job that I'm sure now would have been better for me financially, but it would not have lead to the job I have now. I really enjoy the work i do and I've got the best family in the world thanks to my choices and those of my sisters. Uncle Dan
