Monday, January 13, 2014

Why write?

Today I cruised over to Always Write. and read a blog post which made me think: Why? Why write? Why a writer? How long have I wanted to be an author?

I've thought about it.

First, I should say that I've wanted to be a writer forever. Before Kindergarten, I wrote a "book" that was filled with pictures and a few words that people showed me how to write and gave it to my aunt. In Kindergarten, I wrote a "book " and gave it to my teacher. When I was little, my mom read me Dr. Seuss and I wanted to create stories like that. I wanted to have hundreds of books with my name on them.

But, when I got older, I didn't read. I struggled so much and I hated it. I forgot about the magic that is created when you read books and I whined if I had to read them. I didn't want to read until all my friends read TWILIGHT. So I read it and was so infatuated that someone could create something that came to life the way TWILIGHT did. So I wanted to write, too. That's when I started to write another "book".

By the time I was a freshmen, people would ask me how my "book" was coming along. It made me really embarrassed, so I gave up. If I look back at that "book", I always blush. It took me three years to write something that sounds so awful.

Now, I read because I rediscovered the magic in books. There's something about the way the words fit on the page, so neatly together, that makes me picture the descriptions as if I was staring at it right then and there. I stay up late reading books and getting excited for my favorite characters as I unravel their adventures. Maybe, one day I could create a story so amazingly put together that it has readers staying up late at night feeling everything I want them to feel. Maybe one day, a character I unleash into the world could be the reason a person wants to write, decides that books are wonderful.

I write for those possibilities. I write to go places I've never been. I write to meet people I want to meet. I write to imagine. I write so I can make people feel.


  1. Bailey, waiting to read the magic in your books. I read the magic here already, you will go far!

  2. Glad my blog post got you thinking about this! :) I write for a lot of the same reasons, especially to meet people I've never met but would like to. Writing is a huge journey but you don't even have to leave your desk!
