Friday, June 20, 2014

Orientation and the FUTURE

It's kinda official. I'm just IS official. I'm enrolled in classes, real college classes, classes that are going to be at a college.

Today I had orientation at UMKC (University of Missouri - Kansas City) and I've signed up for classes that I hope are going to emphasize that I am making the right choice in choosing to major in Creative Writing and Political Science.

I am going to be completely honest and say that just months ago I was terrified of graduating, let alone signing up for college, or heaven forbid living on campus. The point is, is that I was so scared of all those things because they were supposed to be the future. They were supposed to be distant thoughts in the back of my mind. They weren't supposed to happen yet.

Okay, so I still don't think they are supposed to happen yet, I mean I don't feel like I'm eighteen or a high school graduate or a college bound student. Nope.

But I'm not afraid anymore. I can't let the future have control over me because I don't know what lies ahead of me, I only have ideas of where I will go. I'm starting to look at today, right now, instead of tomorrow or days/months/years ahead because today is the only thing I can change. I can learn from the past, act in the present and prepare for the future but I cannot worry.

There is nothing to worry about, there are only things to do, places to go, people to meet, and a life to lead. And I've decided that that life is going to be at UMKC.

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