Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why I'm "That girl at the party that..."

Warning rant...oh and OPINIONS. So beware.

Today in class I was told that I am "That girl at the party that you talk to and then realize that you shouldn't have talked to her."

The worst thing about being told this is that I wasn't even given an explanation why. So I am left with my own over-analyzed assumption of why I am "That girl at the party..."

1. Women shouldn't talk more than 40% of the conversation.

2. Women shouldn't speak without permission.

3. Women shouldn't have, let alone speak their opinions.

Now, I am going to give my OPINION because I don't give a frickity frack about why I am "that girl at the party..."

I would like to first say that this is the freaking twenty-first century, in America, and women aren't the girls that wait for permission and we sure as hell aren't mindless zombies that don't have opinions. If a man is going to speak his mind then you better bet that I am going to say a few words too. If you don't like that, then stop listening.

This may be a news flash for some people, but women are intellectual too and so we can actually carry on an intelligent conversation.

Whoa...Wait! What? You mean she actually knows what she's talking about...?

This may come as a shocker, but yeah she probably does. All my life, at least, I have been told to think before I speak (or type) and so I'm trying to be relevant and contribute to the conversation.

It might be me being honest, but I think a conversation goes both ways. This isn't some kind of grading scale that is 40% homework and 60% no. Conversations should be a nice fifty-fifty split. No one is any more special than the other.

According to the nice list I made...I am "That girl at the party..." and I don't give a hoot. If someone ever tells me that again then maybe I'll prove to them that I am that girl by showing them this lovely blog post. Now, I am sincerely asking, don't be that person in life that goes around big headed thinking that you have more to contribute than anyone else. I am willing to listen to you as much as you are willing to listen to me.

Finally, please think before you speak. And. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.

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